About Us

About Us

Mission Statement

In the pursuit of truth, our mission is rooted in the study of God’s word. We unequivocally serve God, recognizing that without Him, our efforts are in vain. The core purpose of our ministry is twofold: to reintroduce the practice of prayer to the body of Christ and, in doing so, bring the body of Christ back to its knees. We are dedicated to training Christian soldiers in the army of God, equipping them to effectively deploy the potent weapons of prayer and fasting in the enemy’s camp. With these spiritual tools, God’s people not only dislodge but also significantly interrupt and dismantle satanic strongholds, securing resounding victory over the adversary.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to empower believers to fully embrace their divine calling and immerse themselves in fervent prayer. We aspire to ignite a global movement of intercessors who, guided by the Holy Spirit, dismantle spiritual strongholds, usher in God’s kingdom, and catalyze transformational breakthroughs in individual lives, communities, and beyond. We envision a world where the faithful, united in purpose and fueled by the power of prayer, become agents of divine change, radiating the transformative light of God’s love and grace. Through our shared commitment, we seek to reshape destinies, cultivate spiritual depth, and manifest the extraordinary in the lives of those touched by the Global Midnight Prayer Ministry.

Prayer Request Form
